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Online Learning – You are not alone

Online learning is here to stay.

We have no doubt that this convenient mechanism for learning will continue to grow in the future.  What we as providers of online learning do not always take into account,

in this growth phase, as we go leaping forward with software, features and other online functionality, is that this technology is more than a little foreign to our students.  With an element of the unknown there is often an element of fear.  Fear not students, this is normal!

Talking to some of our students recently, we have established that there seem to be 3 main fears at play, when students consider taking a course online:

 1.  Fear of Change

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y students have been studying via traditional methods until this point and understand the ins and outs of registration, purchasing books, attending classes and writing exams.  There are many how, when and where questions in their minds when it comes to attempting an online course.   Getting used to the simplicity of having everything, in one place, at the student’s fingertips may take a little time.   Once the convenience of an online system and time-saving is fully embraced however, this fear tends to dissipate.

2.  Fear of Technology

So you don’t understand half the acronyms and fancy technology slang everyone throws around?  You have a limited knowledge of software programmes?  Even without this, if you can use a computer, you can work your way through and online course.  It is designed to be user-friendly and the interface you work from is highly simplified exactly to make learning simple.

3.  Fear of Failure

What if I run out of time to do the course, or I didn’t understand what time limits were set for me?  Some students expressed fear that they would not be able to submit an assignment online as they didn’t know how to ‘upload’ a document.  Students study with one main purpose and that is to succeed at the course they are taking, that makes this fear of failure a big one for students.

How do we deal with these fears?

We all know the cliché about taking the first step.  But do you know the one about lending a helping hand?  Tuit believes that this is easiest way to overcome student fears.  Be a presence from beginning to end.  We use a series of emails to guide students through registration all the way up to weekly reminder emails regarding progress and assignments/quizzes that need to be completed.  Our friendly support team are also just an email, WhatsApp or phone call away.

You are not alone!

Have a look at some of our Learning-on-Demand Workshops related to e-Learning!

Best Practise for eLearning Development

Begin your journey into understanding the best practises in using a Learning Management System (LMS).

Introduction to e-Learning

This amazing course is a great overview and practical introduction on online learning.

How to use a Learning Management System

Begin your journey into understanding the power of a Learning Management System (LMS).
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