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Book Knowledge

Book knowledge

Book Knowledge


Course Overview

This course aims to introduce some of the book titles all booksellers should know about and place them within the context of the history of books.

NOTE: Please select the month you wish to start your course:

The course sample only includes some topic headings and minimal content but serves as en example of the system and content.

Book Knowledge

After successful completion the student will receive a SABA completion Certificate.

Being a bookseller is far more than ringing up a sale. We are expected to have a basic knowledge of the books we sell and keep in stock. However to be truly great bookseller we have to know far more than the basics. We have to become experts in all kinds of books. This book knowledge course will start you on a life long journey of joy, information, learning exploration, deduction, reasoning, imagination and much much more because this is what gaining an extensive knowledge on books is ultimately about.

In this course participants will learn to:

  1. The importance of book knowledge for all book sellers
  2. Fiction
    Including the classics from antiquity through to the postmodern period , how they influenced modern literature;
    Current critical fiction titles
  3. Non-fiction
    Covering critical titles in Biographies, Life style, Natural History, The Sciences, Psychology, Sociology, politics, religion and spirituality, History and mythology, Business

Course Content

  1. Where do we start?
  2. The Story of Mankind
  3. Fiction - The Classics
  4. Modern Fiction
  5. Non-Fiction


Your Lecturer for this online course: Book Knowledge


Jen Cook

Jen started as a casual bookseller working evenings and weekends at the Exclusive books in Sandton when it was still called The Bookworm whilst studying towards her BSc in Botany. After graduating she completed 3 years of Architecture but soon realized that her heart was in the bookshop. She worked at the Sandton branch first as a full time bookseller, then as the Children's bookseller and finally as the Deputy Store Manager. She then left Exclusive Books to work as a sales rep for Random House and soon after became the Product Manager for Random House. She has also worked for a training company where her love of teaching was ignited and has thus returned to Exclusive Books combining her love of bookselling and teaching by taking up the position of Training Co-coordinator for Exclusive Books.

Additional information




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Course Level




Course Type


Enrollment Start Month

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